1. August 2019 "The Real of the Virtual: take a lesson from the internet"

book about VR and AR from socio-technological perspective published by Absynth / Kalligram Bratislava.

22 - 24. October 2018 "AI meets Biz"

Microsoft Hackathon München 2018.

15. September 2018 "Relax Your Brain: Universe is Expanding"

audiovisual performance with D.O.C.H. at Künstlerhaus Bremen.

16. - 29. April 2018 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation"

at ADC Junior Awards Exhibition Hamburg.

20. – 24. March 2018 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation"

finalist for junior VR-price, exhibitioned at LavalVirtual, Paris, FR

20. Februar 2018 "The Virtual Materialism Manifesto"

published in: "NEVERTHELESS. 17 Manifestos" Textem Verlag. Hamburg, DE.

"WYDSIWYG - What You Do Not See Is What You Get: Software in VR"

Talk by European Media Art Festival 2017.


Assembly talk and discussion about Virtual Reality open source software possibilities and surveillance potential of this medium at 33C3 – Chaos Communication Congress.

"The real of virtual reality – reflection or affects?"

lecture together with Tobias Manzer, PhD. at "The Real of Reality: International Conference on Philosophy and Film", ZKM Karlsruhe. Audio

"Antifa-Reader" a browser game for supporting school education, Aspekt 2018.

This browser game is targeting children between 10-15 years and serves as a support for elementary school teachers discussing topics such as history of the fight against nacism in Slovakia. What you see here is the first part "How to deal with the Past", next two levels are "What about the fear of difference" and "How to recognize current neo-fascism". Project has been developed for Aspekt Publishing Press 2018.


"Antifa-Reader" a browser game for supporting school education, Aspekt 2018.

This browser game is targeting children between 10-15 years and serves as a support for elementary school teachers discussing topics such as history of the fight against nacism in Slovakia. What you see here is the first part "How to deal with the Past", next two levels are "What about the fear of difference" and "How to recognize current neo-fascism". Project has been developed for Aspekt Publishing Press 2018.

Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation

Software visualisation make the intangible tangible. To do so, it uses metaphors which translate abstract and complex structures of code into graphical representation of entities and their relations. We create narrations through generating interactive environments; with the help of narrations we can talk about systems. The first system mentioned here is a software system, its patterns and anti-patterns. The second one is represented through the cultural techniques of VR and IT work, the techniques of cognitive capitalism – commercialism, digital labour or playbour (labour as a play) and creative expression – another “system” in need to discuss.


Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation

Software visualisation make the intangible tangible. To do so, it uses metaphors which translate abstract and complex structures of code into graphical representation of entities and their relations. We create narrations through generating interactive environments; with the help of narrations we can talk about systems. The first system mentioned here is a software system, its patterns and anti-patterns. The second one is represented through the cultural techniques of VR and IT work, the techniques of cognitive capitalism – commercialism, digital labour or playbour (labour as a play) and creative expression – another “system” in need to discuss.

Concept, illustration, design & Webdevelopment for Campaigne against violence on Women supporting the Istanbul Convention,
initiated by non-governmental organisation "Freedom of Choice" 2016.
Design for propagation of all new publication by ASPEKT publishing 2016.
Webdesign & Webdevelopment for a streetart artist Joolz 2016.
Webdesign & Webdevelopment for WurstCase Hemelingen 2016,
a temporary space maintained by ZZZ Bremen.
Webdesign & Webdevelopment forWurstCase Hemelingen, a temporary space maintained by ZZZ Bremen 2016.

Visual Semiotics of Governmentality

What you see here is a virtual reality based datavisualization. A world of bar charts representing the budget of EU Commission from 2014 to 2020 known as The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). MFF lays down the maximum annual amounts (‘ceilings’) that the EU may spend in different political fields (‘headings’) over a period of no less than five years. By defining how much and in which areas should the EU invest over the period of seven years, the MFF is an expression of political priorities as much as a budgetary planning tool. Such complex monetary and political structure can therefore serve as a proper model for an experimental study of organised visual practices of different EU Commission initiatives.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Visual Semiotics of Governmentality

Datavisualization in virtual reality 2015

What you see here is a virtual reality based datavisualization. A world of bar charts representing the budget of EU Commission from 2014 to 2020 known as The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). MFF lays down the maximum annual amounts (‘ceilings’) that the EU may spend in different political fields (‘headings’) over a period of no less than five years. By defining how much and in which areas should the EU invest over the period of seven years, the MFF is an expression of political priorities as much as a budgetary planning tool. Such complex monetary and political structure can therefore serve as a proper model for an experimental study of organised visual practices of different EU Commission initiatives.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Research blog on EU grant policy & datavisualizing 2015

Webdesign & Webdevelopment for Techno magazine by Leon Lothschütz 2015 Script-cooperation with David Beermann
Webdesign & Webdevelopment for Hfk Bremen Graduation Show 2015, Graphic design by Anna Huhn and Clemens Gensch.
Webdesign & Webdevelopment for Hfk Bremen Graduation Show 2015, Graphic design by Anna Huhn and Clemens Gensch.
Cover design & graphics for J. Butler: Gender Trouble, Layout by: Layout JS, published by: ASPEKT 2014
Original cover proposal
Design concept: Cover graphics + illustration
Layout by: Layout JS, ASPEKT Bratislava 2015
Poster Design, MKC Praha & gender studies at FHS UK Prague 2015
Video + Processing, A/TOPIC Berlin 2015
Video + performance with K. Kreutzkamp, C. Piepenbrock & E. Renner, THEALIT Bremen 2015
Video + performance with K. Kreutzkamp, C. Piepenbrock & E. Renner, THEALIT Bremen 2015
Webdesign & Webdevelopment, Infinitive canvas concept 7000 x 3000 px, Design + Illustration, ASPEKT Bratislava 2015

Nice, nice, very nice

"Nice, nice, very nice von Lucia Mendelova spielt sich in der Zukunft ab, genauer im Jahre 2042. Auf einer Messe und einer dazu gehörigen Website werden unterschiedliche theoretische und philosophische Ansätze, wie “Objektorientierte Onthologie” “Digital Humanities” als Unternehmen inklusive eigenen Logos, Merchandising­ Produkten und Werbetext­ähnlichen Kurzbeschreibungen vorgestellt, die wie die Künstlerin sagt die “neo­neoliberale Zukunft” regieren werden. Wir betrachten Lucia Mendelovas Projekt als eine sehr clevere und ironische Kritik an den oft inhaltsleeren diskursiven Hypes um die jeweils neuesten Ansätze meist männlicher Theoretiker in der Kunst und der Akademia, innerhalb derer Wissensproduktion mehr und mehr den Charakter einer Ware annimmt statt ein kritischer Impetus zu sein."

Katrin Hunsicker,

Autorin der Preisverleihung-Rede, Jurymitgliederin. Institut für Kunst und Visuelle Kultur an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
Hannes Hölzel,
Generative Kunst an der UdK Berlin.
Sascha Pohflepp
UdK in Berlin, Royal College of Art in London, Neuen Institut in Rotterdam.


Nice Nice Very Nice:

"Nice, nice, very nice von Lucia Mendelova spielt sich in der Zukunft ab, genauer im Jahre 2042. Auf einer Messe und einer dazu gehörigen Website werden unterschiedliche theoretische und philosophische Ansätze, wie “Objektorientierte Onthologie” “Digital Humanities” als Unternehmen inklusive eigenen Logos, Merchandising­ Produkten und Werbetext­ähnlichen Kurzbeschreibungen vorgestellt, die wie die Künstlerin sagt die “neo­neoliberale Zukunft” regieren werden. Wir betrachten Lucia Mendelovas Projekt als eine sehr clevere und ironische Kritik an den oft inhaltsleeren diskursiven Hypes um die jeweils neuesten Ansätze meist männlicher Theoretiker in der Kunst und der Akademia, innerhalb derer Wissensproduktion mehr und mehr den Charakter einer Ware annimmt statt ein kritischer Impetus zu sein."

Katrin Hunsicker,

Autorin der Preisverleihung-Rede, Jurymitgliederin. Institut für Kunst und Visuelle Kultur an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.
Hannes Hölzel,
Generative Kunst an der UdK Berlin.
Sascha Pohflepp
UdK in Berlin, Royal College of Art in London, Neuen Institut in Rotterdam.

NNVN: Speculative design project, Logos, webdesign & web-development. 2014
Poster & flyer design for ZZZ (ZwischenZeitZentrale) Bremen. Printed in three coloured risography. 2014
Poster & flyer design for FU Berlin. 2013
Poster design for Thealit. 2013
Design proposal cover & concept for bell hooks book. Final version layout by Layout JS, published by: ASPEKT 2013
Flyer design for Kultur im Bunker, small example.
An alumni event we created and organised together mainly with Anna Hadzelek at School of Arts Bremen (HfK Bremen). Besides the organisation I have created the CI: logo, posters and flyers, webdesign & webdevelopment. 2014

Malen nach zahlen - Paint by Numbers

Die Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Datenvisualisierung aus der Perspektive strukturkritisierender feministischer Arbeit. Anhand der Statistiken der HfK Bremen über die Anzahl der Studierenden, Lehrenden und Mitarbeitenden, genauso wie den vergebenen Hochschulpreisen werden verschiedene Visualisierungsstrategien entwickelt.
Weiter konzentriert sich der qualitative Teil der Arbeit auf die Durchführung von zirka sechs Interviews mit Absolvent*innen, welche dann in Form einer Klanginstallation (schwarze Pyramiden) dargestellt werden.
Eine theoretische Zusammenfassung der Arbeit befasst sich einerseits mit der Deutung der Metaphern „undichte Leitung“ und „Scheren Graph“ und stellt andererseits weitere Fragen zum Thema Datenvisualisierung und der eigenen gestalterischen Herangehensweise.

Prof. Andrea Sick,

Prof. Samuel Nyholm


Malen nach zahlen

Die Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Datenvisualisierung aus der Perspektive strukturkritisierender feministischer Arbeit. Anhand der Statistiken der HfK Bremen über die Anzahl der Studierenden, Lehrenden und Mitarbeitenden, genauso wie den vergebenen Hochschulpreisen werden verschiedene Visualisierungsstrategien entwickelt.
Weiter konzentriert sich der qualitative Teil der Arbeit auf die Durchführung von zirka sechs Interviews mit Absolvent*innen, welche dann in Form einer Klanginstallation (schwarze Pyramiden) dargestellt werden.
Eine theoretische Zusammenfassung der Arbeit befasst sich einerseits mit der Deutung der Metaphern „undichte Leitung“ und „Scheren Graph“ und stellt andererseits weitere Fragen zum Thema Datenvisualisierung und der eigenen gestalterischen Herangehensweise.

Paint by Numbers

Bachelor exam at School of arts Bremen. Exhibition, data visualisation & sound installation from research interviews, topic: Leaky Pipeline in Graphic design. Bremen 2013



2013 — 2016 Digital Media (MA) at University of the Arts Bremen
2009 — 2013 Integrated Design (BA) at University of the Arts Bremen
2012 — 2013 Graphic design and Illustration at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2008 — 2009 Doctorate Research-scholarship at "Zentrum Gender Studies" University of Bremen
2006 — 2013 A doctorate degree (PhD.) in Philosophy and History of Philosophy at the Comenius University Bratislava. Field of expertise: Epistemology and Gender Studies. Disertation: “Situated Knowledge in the Context of Feminist Epistemology”
2001 — 06/2006 Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Mgr.) at Comenius university, Faculty of Humanities


2019 Summer Term: Lehrauftrag Integriertes Design - parttime by "Erste Hilfe" at Hfk Bremen
2017 Spring: ArtCenter College of Design (CA, USA), Guest Speaker and individual Mentor at VR/AR Lab at Media Design Practices.
2016 Summer Term: Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Informatics - Hochschule Bremen, A weekly tutorium for a course “Grundlagen der Gestaltung”.
2014 Summer Term: Teaching Assistant Hfk-Bremen, A weekly tutorium for a course “Embodied Information” for Digital Media (MA) class by Prof. Andrea Sick.
2013 Summer Term: Teaching Assistant Hfk-Bremen Organising a working group (AG) and a tutoruim “Queer Practicies in Art an Design” by Prof. Andrea Sick and Josch Hoenes, PhD.
2007 – 2008 Teaching assistant, Comenius University Bratislava. Taught weekly course “Introduction to Epistemology” during both school terms. Responsibilities included lecture, complete design of study plans and student evaluation. At that time I was a doctoral student by Prof. Etela Farkašová


2015 June: Risography Workshop at Hfk Bremen on Visuall Semiotics of Aldi - with a fine arts class of Prof. Katrin von Maltzahn.
2015 Mai: Risography Workshop Hehehegel & the Post-internet Design at Hfk Bremen with the Design class of Prof. Andrea Rauschenbusch


- Aspekt Verlag Bratislava,
- Dongery Oslo,
- HEC-IT Ingeneering Bremen,
- Freie Universität Berlin,
- Hochschule für Kunste Bremen,
- Fummetto Festival Luzern,
- Kultur im Bunker e.V. Bremen,
- Schwankhalle Bremen,
- Thealit Verlag Bremen,
- ZZZ-Zwischen Zeit Zentrale Bremen...


15. September 2018 "Relax Your Brain: Universe is Expanding" audiovisual performance with D.O.C.H. at Künstlerhaus Bremen.
16. - 29. April 2018 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation" at ADC Junior Awards Exhibition Hamburg.
20. – 24. March 2018 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation" finalist for junior VR-price, exhibitioned at LavalVirtual, Paris, FR
20. Februar 2018 "The Virtual Materialism Manifesto" published in: "NEVERTHELESS. 17 Manifestos" Textem Verlag. Hamburg, DE.
28. November 2017 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation"as a semifinalist of Next Reality Contest choosed for an exhibition at Handelskammer Hamburg.
13. Mai 2017 "Metaphors for Immersive Software Visualisation" Exhibiting at KTH Royal Institute of Technology VR Scientific Festival in Stockholm.
29. February 2017 "WYDSIWYG - What You Do Not See Is What You Get: Software in VR" Talk by European Media Art Festival 2017.
30. December 2016 "VRSh*t" Assembly talk and discussion about Virtual Reality open source software possibilities and surveillance potential of this medium at 33C3 – Chaos Communication Congress.
03. November 2016 "The real of virtual reality – reflection or affects?" lecture together with Tobias Manzer, PhD. at "The Real of Reality: International Conference on Philosophy and Film", ZKM Karlsruhe. Audio 31. Juli 2016 "What Is it Like to Be a ... Lobster? 90s and the hidden side of virtual materiality" lecture at reSense / Metabody final conference organised by Mov.LAB at SPEKTRUM art_technology_community Berlin
23. Juni 2016 "Zillion City Pulbic Test : VR Data Model of EU-Commission Grant Structure" lecture at "First Public Urban Lab" organised by M2C Institut für angewandte Medienforschung GmbH under the project Smart Sculpture
3. February 2016 Halle CYBER ISLAND Internet Café One-Night Art Show
16. – 18. October 2015 GENERATE! "Nice Nice Very Nice" on Festival of electronic arts in Tübingen
28. July 2015 The visual semiotics of governmentality: Art, politics, and criticism (lecture and panel discussion) at FEMINISTFATALE Kunsthalle Bratislava
12. - 13. March 2015 It's a book! D.O.C.H. with From aleph to Eternity at I'ts a Book! at Leipzig
7. - 8. February 2015 Hochschultage 2015 - Prize winner, yay! "Nice Nice Very nice" at the University of the Arts Bremen.
„EX_IT – Best of HfK Design 2014”"
AS IF - Speculative Groupexhibition at Immigration Office Gallery in Bremen.
27. March – 13. April 2014 D.O.C.H. exhibition at Fumetto Festival LUZERN
22. - 30. März 2014 WONDERFUEL ZEROMONEY - GELBEs HAUS im Luzern (Ch) zeigt sein namhaftes und viel-seitiges Netzwerk.
06. – 24.03. 2013 CafeTERRORia satelitenausstellung im Rahm der Fumetto Comix Festival Luzern
01 – 02. 02. 2013: "Ive Got The Power!" Gelbes Haus Ansamble, Kunstraum Teigi, Luzern/Kriens
04 – 07. 01. 2013: Un/möglich. Kreuz und Queer. 
Groupexhibition at Galerie Herold, Bremen
16.11.2012 - 03.02.2013: Von Äpfeln und Birnen -
 Best of HfK Design 2012, Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus, Bremen

Lucia Mendelova, PhD.

(°1983, Bratislava, Slovakia) lives in rainy grayish city of Bremen with a warm social climate where she works fulltime as a software engineer and conceptual artist for VR/AR applications at HEC IT Engineering. She finished her MA in Digital Media (University of the Arts Bremen in cooperation with University Bremen 2017), her PhD. in Philosophy (Comenius University Bratislava 2013, specialization on epistemology, semiotics and gender studies) and her BA in Integrated Design (University of the Arts Bremen 2013 & University for Applied Sciences and Arts Luzern 2012). Since 2010 she works as a new media artist in the field of visual communication for different media (print, web, VR). Her works are usually manipulating the viewer to create irritation in order to present overlapping themes and strategies of hybridization of knowledge perception.

IMPRESSUM Lucia Mendelova 28203 Bremen
mail: info [AT]

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